Privacy and data protection policy for employees

In order to comply with its legal obligations and to enable the proper performance of this contract, the Eiffel Turenne, as data controller, processes personal data concerning its employees to the extent that it is strictly necessary.

This processing also pursues a legitimate interest, namely the execution of statutory, conventional or contractual provisions to which it is subject.

Data collected and purpose

- Generally speaking, when an Employee joins the company, Eiffel Turenne collects: the Employee's civil status, postal address, telephone and/or e-mail number, occupation, as well as his/her social security number, which is essential for the declaration of employment.

- In order to meet its reporting obligations, Eiffel Turenne transmits certain personal information about the employee to the social security organisations, including

  • Upon hiring, the Déclaration Préalable A l'Embauche (DPAE) is filed with URSSAF, which transmits the information to the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie of the employee's place of residence and to the occupational health services;
  • Each month, as well as at each event (work stoppage, end of employment contract, etc.), via the Déclaration Sociale Nominative (DSN) system, all the social information required to exercise the employee's rights.

- The Eiffel Turenne pays its Social Security contributions and its obligation to make a declaration prior to hiring to the URSSAF in Montreuil.

- For the purposes of its administrative management, the Eiffel Turenne may collect and process personal data, in particular to draw up the list of employees, the staff schedule and their assignment, individual supplies and equipment, the management of professional elections, the management of social action, affiliation to provident and supplementary health insurance schemes, etc.

- For the preparation of pay slips, as well as social and tax declarations, the Eiffel Turenne collects or processes, in particular: civil and bank details, social security number, salary, number of hours worked, sometimes data on the state of health (occupational illness, disability, etc.), data on employee savings, etc.

- For the career management of its staff and training, the following data may be collected: professional and skills assessments, validation of acquired experience, career simulations, training courses carried out, training requests, training assessments.

Personal information

Personal data is collected and kept for a maximum period of 5 years from the end of the contractual relationship, corresponding to the limitation period under common law.

Only the following may receive information concerning them, within the strict limits of their necessity

- Social bodies, occupational physicians, government departments (DIRECCTE, tax authorities, etc.) and administrative or judicial bodies

- The company and more specifically its HR, accounting and IT departments

- External service providers in charge of payroll, accounting, legal, IT and professional training

This data is never used for commercial purposes. This personal data is not transferred to a country outside the European Union.

Each person has : a right of access to the data collected, of rectification of inaccurate personal data; a right to erasure and limitation of processing, in the cases and conditions provided for in section 3 Chapter III of the RGPD; a right to portability; a right to object to the processing and a right not to be subject to automated processing, in the cases and conditions provided for in Section 4 Chapter III RGPD; a right to lodge a complaint with the national supervisory authority, namely the CNIL.

Any request relating to the exercise of one of the aforementioned rights must be made in writing (letter or e-mail) and addressed to the attention of the Management at A reply will be sent within one month of receipt of the request, which may be extended by two months depending on the complexity and number of requests.


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La información que usted proporciona en este formulario es para el uso de nuestro establecimiento y nuestros proveedores de servicios técnicos con el fin de procesar su solicitud. Usted acepta nuestra política de confidencialidad de los datos personales. De conformidad con la Ley nº 78-17 de 6 de enero de 1978, modificada, y con el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos, usted tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar, suprimir, oponerse y limitar el tratamiento de sus datos personales, así como el derecho a la portabilidad de los datos y a definir sus directivas relativas a la gestión de sus datos después de su muerte. Puede ejercer estos derechos enviando un correo electrónico a Para más información, consulte el aviso legal.

You can find all information about the General Data Protection Regulation of the Eiffel Turenne Hotel here.